Pregnancy & Postpartum Support

Perhaps you’ve recently brought home a new baby and are just feeling a little out of sorts. This is a time when many benefit from the compassionate understanding of someone who’s been where you are.

The days following the birth of a baby are some of the most transformative in any parents’ life—particularly for the birthing parent. There will be a flurry of people surrounding you and your baby, all with their own input about what is best for the little being you’ve brought into the world. Amidst all that commotion, all the care and concern for your baby—is you. You, whose life has fully changed in a single moment. And while you are doing everything you can to learn about what this new, delightful, mysterious creature needs, I aim to focus my attention on what you need.

What this support might look like:

  • Telehealth therapy is a particularly helpful tool following the birth of a baby, since you don’t have to leave your house to receive care! This option makes it easy for baby to “pop in” for feedings, reduces the time away from home, and allows you to stay as comfortable as possible. This is my primary mode of therapy. For these I charge my typical hourly fee, although some prefer to schedule a longer session immediately following birth.

  • With this option, I come to your home. In the weeks following birth, it can be difficult to take a shower or eat a real meal, let alone get out of the house! When we meet initially (via telehealth, before the birth) we can explore how many sessions you’d like to set up beforehand, the duration of the sessions, and what I might recommend for your family in particular.

    This option is especially helpful in its flexibility: baby can be with you or with another caretaker, you can be in bed or we can meet on your couch, and I can make you some tea or hold your baby as you tell me how you’ve been doing.

  • In-home therapy sessions are my typical hourly rate + $50. These sessions run for an hour and a half instead of fifty minutes, making them a total of $305.

    I offer one sliding scale spot at a time for in-home. This rate is a total of $170 per session. If you’re interested in a sliding scale telehealth spot, please send me a message to inquire about availability.

To explore what will work best for you and your family, schedule a free 15-minute consult: